International Journal of New Technologies in Science and Engineering (IJNTSE - ISSN: 2349-0780) is an scholarly, online international journal which aims to Publish high quality peer reviewed original research result
oriented papers in the fields of Engineering and Science. There is no publication charge even the journal is an open access. This journal intends to be of interest and utility to researchers and practitioners in the academic,
industrial and governmental sectors. All original research contributions of significant value in all areas of Science and Engineering discipline are welcome to submit papers.
Submitted papers will be preliminary reviewed by technical committees of the Journal. Once the submitted paper meet the standards of journal then technical committee will send the paper to corresponding reviewers by removing the
identity of authors and as well as the authors doesn’t know about reviewers. Hence, the journal follows double blind review. Each paper will be reviewed by at least 4 experts and at least 3 reviewers have to be accepted in order
to publish the paper. All submitted articles should report original, previously unpublished research results, experimental or theoretical, and will be peer-reviewed. Articles submitted to the journal should meet these criteria and
must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts should follow the style and format of the journal and are subject to both review and editing. The journal is meant for researchers, students, and readers interested
in current issues and developments in Science and Engineering.
The IJNTSE journal is publishing papers with free of cost and it is completely open access. However, we are looking for support from academicians to donate funds. There will not be any charges to submit paper, to do review and for publishing.
The published papers will be freely available to download by any one from anywhere at any time. The journal invites the papers from various topics listed in section Topics in journal website.
Plagiarism Restrictions:
The authors should ensure that they have written entirely original works, and if the authors have used the work and/or words of others, then this has been appropriately cited or quoted. The journal uses the very well and widely accepted plagiarism
detected tools such as Turnitin and Viper. All the submitted manuscripts are first subjected to plagiarism check and then the publishing cycle begins. If the plagiarism is detected any false or copied content during in the review process, that content
or paper will be rejected immediately. We are straight at plagiarism and not to encourage the publication of copied content. However, the journal accepts the percentage of plagiarism up to 15.
The Format of the paper can be downloaded here.
Click hear to submit paper online : online paper submission.